måndag 22 juni 2009

Mail#2 from Iran

Dearest XXXX,

Good to hear from you. I'm happy to know that you're with us. I wish I could be close to you in a different occasion. It's not at all easy for me and the others to be here … every day we're confronting terrible things… tear gas… batons… acid… boiling water… guns… what can I say? What can we do?

They're killing our brave compatriots every day …They're killing our friends… these brave souls…

Did you see the photos of Neda? She had 27 years old… student of philosophy in Tehran University … it was terrible… I can't stop crying! She was there just for humanity… for freedom… for her vote!

I can say nothing now… some times silence is full of unspoken words… you know what I'm saying and what I mean… it was just a silent protest for justice. But now it becomes a real revolution. Is it the beginning of the end? I don't know… no one knows...

Streets are bloody… covered by our sisters and brothers… we don't believe in spring anymore… but we won't give up… we'll never forget Neda and the others who are killed in these protests. Never ever!

I'm deeply sad. Like the others…

Esfahan is full of guards. I mean thousands of them in each street! Can you imagine? We can't even say a word! They are ready to kill… as we are ready to die… I'm glad that you're not here! Really I am!

Please let the world know that we need their supports. Imagine… living without love… without justice… without freedom… without dialogue… without the truth … living without being… this is our situation! No future… nothing else…

I'm not frightened. Proud of being here… making a real history. But I'm also hopeless… It's not at all easy to change the actual situation. They are murderers! I don't wanna lose my friends…

Sorry xxxxx jan. I'm a little bit depressed these days. But I want you and your friends to be hopeful and strong… fighting for freedom all around the world! We're just the same. Tell them I'm proud of you and everyone who's respect the justice and freedom.

All my love to you and your brave friends.

Let's be in touch… if you need any information, tell me.

May LOVE conquer all the world.

Take care

Love- kisses

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